Ayora Foundation
Ayora Foundation a pour objectif de subvenir aux besoins des citoyens :
- l’eau potable
- vêtements
- électricité
- transports
- médicament…
Together, we will succeed in bringing the light back into these children’s faces.
Ayora Foundation
Providing for the needs of citizens such as drinking water, clothing, electricity, transport and medical supplies

Final Operation of 2021
To change children’s everyday thinking from “what do I have to do today to survive” to “how will I spend my day freely learning and growing”.
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Project Koranic School 1
Ayora is pleased to announce that the “Project Koranic School 1” is well underway and marks the first operation of…
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A New Year and New Operation
Ayora Foundation is pleased to announce its new project which is well underway: “Project Koranic School”.
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The Koranic School is here!
It’s finally upon, the day we see the youth get to enjoy and learn in a community setting along with all their neighbors and friends.
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Lets eat together
Our partnerships with nonprofit organization “Association Initiative El Amal pour L’integration Sociale”,
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Ayora Food Donations
Ayora is beyond excited to announce that the food donations throughout the month of March were a great success
Lire la suiteBrings Clean Water to Sidi Fares
In a remarkable initiative to improve access to clean water, the Ayora Foundation has funded the digging of a well in Sidi Fares…

Donating Eid al-Adha sheep 2024
Ayora Foundation’s Third Annual Eid al-Adha Lamb Giveaway Brings Joy to Casablanca’s Impoverished Outskirts
The Ramadan Basket Initiative ( 1445 Hégire )
The food donation initiative implemented by the Ayora Foundation, led by Rabia Ayou, during the month of Ramada.

Ayora Foundation Extends a Helping Hand :
Restoring Hope After the 2023 Earthquake in Morocco that struck the serene town of Taroudant in Douar Tarkout, Tigouga commune
back-to-school donation for students
Empowering Education by Ayora Foundation’s Generous Back-to-School 2023 Donations for students in Sebt Aourga, Agadir

Eid El Adha 2023
As usual, every Eid al Adha, Ayora Foundation in Morocco organizes the distribution of rams to needy families.
Equipping a well water pumping station
the construction of the reservoir and mechanical equipment to generate the processes such us solar panels, piping systems and electrical room, have all been completed

Drilling Of Wells is the First Operation in 2023
Souk Sebt School In Agadir Follow up
After completing its final action of 2022, the Ayora Foundation is pleased to announce the receipt of various praises from not only the faculty of the school but also the parents of the students in Souk Sebt Aourga, who see so much potential from the provided desktops for student needs.