Eid El Adha 2023

It has been a few months since our last newsletter and It’s well worth mentioning that Ayora, hasn’t stopped adding value and spreading cheers, but in fact spent a great deal of time focusing on its next mission and once again scouting for our next location to dig the next well and bring potable water to another impoverished population in the remote areas of the kingdom. We would be covering all the details soon on this next action in the days to come.
In the meantime, and concurrently, Ayora has gathered many resources to complete its Eid El Adha action for 2023; once again, by providing dozens of sheep to families in need and allowing for many to celebrate the holiday with their close ones. Ayora benefits from its leverage abilities to secure many udhiya’s at a reasonable average cost less than 500 US Dollars each, thus, increasing the ability to spread the resources amongst more families and ultimately creating a much bigger impact. While many other religious and secular organizations focus on connecting beneficiaries to benefactors on this holiday by serving as the liaisons, the pricing set for each one of the sacrificial lamb are at a much higher cost, thus limiting the provisions of those who want to help others. Ayora is able to stretch the appropriation of funding from benefactors by limiting the involved parties through direct dealing with wholesalers and bringing the sheep directly to the families. Our fulfillment of our missions is not only seen in the smiles of the kids from the families impacted, but it’s also felt through the idea of feeding many for weeks, if not months. We are truly blessed to see this action come to fruition and may Allah reward all the ones we weren’t able to get to, we also hope that one day we could reach the ones we weren’t able to this year and continue to grow as an organization and an agent of joy.